Disgusting music from Tokyo, Japan.
New EP "Profane Usurpation" out now on CD/LP/CS/Digital via Closed Casket Activities.

2020年に1st アルバム A Dying Truth を日本の Daymare Recordings からリリース。同内容を12" LPにてカナダの Profound Lore Records からリリース。LPは2021年2月現在レーベルではソールドアウト。ハードコアがベースでこそあるものの、決してそこのみにはとらわれない音を提示。レコ発企画は東高円寺二万電圧にて執り行い、ソールドアウト。そのまま日本全国および北米とヨーロッパを含めたツアーを予定していたが新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大の影響を受け頓挫。直後に方向転換をし、6月に3曲入りのEPをリリース。USリリースとして Creator-Destructor Records から 片面12" が発売。1stプレスおよび2ndプレスがソールドアウトとなり現在3rdプレスが発売中。
Formed in Tokyo, Japan in the summer of 2017, KRUELTY has emerged as the most notable artist to find that sweet spot where the amalgamation of heavy beatdown hardcore and ‘90s American/Scandinavian death/doom metal becomes the blueprint of brutality and slam KRUELTY unleash. With KRUELTY you will hear the ultimate convergence of some of the most punishing death metal riffs and the most mind-blowing breakdowns influenced by Japanese and ‘90s East Coast hardcore bands.
2020 saw the release of KRUELTY’s debut album “A Dying Truth” and revealed itself as one of the heaviest albums that year. With their new LP which will be come out in March, KRUELTY will release an album even bigger in scope and ultimately heavier than their debut.
Expect KRUELTY to crush stages live in your city in 2023 with tours planned in North America, Europe, Australia, Asia etc.